Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Social Sites For Horse Lovers

Great Easter. Great family get together. Daughter came up from Sydney and slept for the whole three days. I wonder how she does it sometimes.....I got a big egg though......

Ease Mounting Pressures on Your Horse
The way you mount up from ground to saddle at the start of a ride has important implications for your horse's body and mind. By Karen Smith courtesy Equisearch

Here's a new horse blog I found. It's called 'The Long Horse Ride Blog' - From Beijing to London on horseback between the Olympics and details the travels of Megan Lewis from the UK as she treks from there to London in time for the 2012 Olympics. Takes the trail ride to a whole new level eh?

Introducing - a social networking site by and for the Horse enthusiast! Their words, not mine but it looks like a Facebook for horse lovers. Their advertising slogan, "I heard it through the Horsevine'. Um.
Then there's Horse-Networks, another 'social site' for horse lovers where you can connect with 8000 horselovers and view over 13000 horse photos. Social networking has come a long way in the past few years.

Funny Horse Pictures - You Don’t See That Everyday. Can’t say I agree with all (any) of them, but you have to admit, they make you do a double take. Courtesy of Paige.

10 Fun Arena Exercises. If you've fallen into a riding rut, try our 10 basic arena exercises. By the Editors of Horse & Rider magazine
In the October '08 issue of Horse & Rider they offered 10 arena exercises you can use in your regular training sessions, as a warm up before your classes at a show, or to get the "fresh" out before a trail ride. Here, you can print out the diagrams (along with detailed information about each) and laminate them to make a handy barn-proof cheat sheet.

The worst horse-human combination possible is a green or young or unbroken horse and a beginner/novice rider. he idea that the untrained horse and the new rider will 'grow together' is one of the most believed, but most dangerously wrong ideas that floats around in the horse world. Here's a video that shows what can happen. Courtesy of Phil Tregear.

Hairdressers are used to grooming wayward locks - but Australian artist Julian Wolkenstein set a new standard when he used horses as models. The 36-year-old teamed up with hair stylist Acacio da Silva to turn the beasts of burden into supermodels of the equine world. Um...interesting.

The City of Boston's mounted patrol - the oldest police horse unit in the United States - is to be dismantled because of budget cuts. The unit, which comprises 12 horses and 10 officers, will be closed this northern summer, bringing to an end a service which dates back to the 1800s. About a dozen staff who help tend the horses will be laid off and the 10 mounted officers redeployed to foot duties. Very sad.

I have one copy only each of Storeys Guide To Raising Horses and Teaching Safe Horsemanship . Certainly worth a look since we pass on our savings to you.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello All Horse Lovers...It's great corner...please visit it...