Wednesday, June 20, 2007

H10 Horselovers Blog - Weird Week Articles!!

Hi there,
What a weird week - we were just on the edge of the east coast weather system and so got rain but no real storms. Now it's threatening all over again this week. Keep the fingers crossed!!Our thanks to Equus for some of these articles.

Here's a great little article on preparing for the Show....anyshow!

Trail riding is an important's also a great holiday activity AND provides an income to many. Here are a few timely tips for creating a trail riding survival kit.

Thrush, a fungal disease, can be a real problem in your horse's feet...and elsewhere too. Here are some good vet tips for you. We'd also suggest that if your horse gets thrush (frogs, mud fever,rain scald) you might try H10 ointment or H10 spray if a larger area is involved.

Some of you might have Arab horses so here's a short guide from a keen Arabian owner 'blogger' on how to clip Arab feet for the show circuit.

Mounted police DO have different training techniques for their horses. You might not be able to get along to this demo but you can read a little more about their methods here:

As a SPECIAL offer this week, we have reduced the series of John Pinnell horse training dvds to half price! Yes, that's 50% off AND with free shipping. Here's the link for you and remember, you don't have to give us your credit card details on line - just fill in the online order form and we'll contact you if you'd prefer. By the way, we still have 50% off Elegance Blue shampoo but the stocks are going fast. Get your hands on a great bargain!

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