Wednesday, May 28, 2008

H10 - New Competition Starts!!

Hi there
Seems like our winter has started early this year...our wattle birds are broody again and I reckon they're are far too well endowed with hormones! Their latest escapade is to try and nest in not just one, but TWO hanging flower baskets on the back deck...all in all about two metres from our outside table! A bird of very little brain I'm thinking!

I've puts lots of new stuff on the web site under the What's New page (where else?!) and this week, at long last we start the NEW COMPETITION!!
It's the idea of Reena who sent in the suggestion that we should run a comp entitled 'Magic Moments'. What we'd like are the magic moments you have shared with your horse. It could be a magic ride you shared, a magic experience, a magic day, a magic result...a magic anything really!!! As before we'll judge the entries monthly and I'm looking forward to the company of the 'tame' vet once again. He's looking forward to the coffee and muffins as usual!

We'll award a great prize to the winner every month and publish the winning entry in this news letter and on the H10 site and H10 blog. Fame at last!!!
We'll also collate the entries and make up an e-book to give away at the end of the competition.
So, don't be shy...give it your best and share your 'Magic Moment' with the hundreds of horse lovers who receive this newsletter!! Here's the link to click on:

Have a great week!

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