Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Keeping Your Horse Cool

Hot...isn't it?! And believe me your horse will feel it too. So here are a couple of important articles dealing with just that - looking after your horse in hot weather.

This from my good friend Roger Bourdon looks at the use of sunscreen with horses

And this, a more in-depth drought approach for horses from David Nash of Agriculture Victoria in Rutherglen
Both are well worth reading, especially for those of you experiencing 40C plus this week.

The year has got off to a great start with the Youth Olympics taking place at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre. Queensland Rider Victoria Welch won Gold in the Dressage

Here's a 'clip of the week' from Deanna Castro's blog. It's trick used when getting your horse into a float or trailer. Clever! BUT, as they say, DON'T EVER try this at home!

Here's something different - an article on barn cats. I'm not a cat person but they always seem to cuddle up close if I'm around. It was definitely a disadvantage when I was young!

This video shows a woman doing the Parelli seven games at liberty in seven minutes. By "at liberty" we mean without any rope or halter on the horse. Pretty nice circle game. The Parelli seven games encapsulate the essentials of groundwork horse training.

Managing a Horse on a Tight Budget - and the budget isn't going to get any better! Great tips here from The Horse magazine.

Have a great week...and keep cool!

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